Wednesday, May 6, 2020


"ShellForge is a python program that builds shellcodes from C. It is inspired from Stealth's Hellkit. Some wrapper functions arround system calls are defined in header files. The C program uses them instead of libc calls. ShellForge uses gcc to convert it into assembler. It then modifies it a bit, compiles it, extract code from the object, may encode it and add a loader at the begining." read more...

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  1. El Libro Del Hacker
  2. Aprender Seguridad Informatica
  3. Kali Linux Hacking
  4. Tecnicas De Hacking
  5. Phishing Hacking
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  7. Hacking Cracking
  8. Hacking Wifi
  9. Drupal Hacking
  10. Growth Hacking Instagram
  11. Software Hacking
  12. Hardware Hacking
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